Tactical Data Link (TDL) Training Crash Course

Tactical Data Link Training by TONEX covers traditional and advanced tactical data links including: Link 11, Link 16, Link 22, Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol (JREAP), Variable Message Format (VMF), Fifth Generation Aircraft Systems, Inter/Intra Flight Data Link (IFDL), Interim JTIDS/MIDS Message Specification (IJMS), Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL), Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL), NATO STANAG standards and others.


  1. Foundation 
  2. Intermediate 
  3. Advanced 

Tactical Data Link Training Crash Course Include:

  • Traditional Tactical Data Links 
  • Link , Tactical Data Exchange for Air Defense 
  • TADIL–A HF & NATO UHF RF bands 
  • Link 11 
  • Link 16 
  • Link 22: NATO Improved Link 11 (NILE) 
  • JREAP 
  • Variable Message Format (VMF) 
  • Standard Interface for Multiple Platform Link Evaluation (SIMPLE) 
  • J-Series (TADIL-J) messages over IP-based protocols 
  • Fifth Generation Aircraft Systems 
  • Inter/Intra Flight Data Link (IFDL) 
  • Interim JTIDS/MIDS Message Specification (IJMS) 
  • Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL) 
  • Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL) 
  • Tactical Data Link Organizations and Structure (Roles) 
  • Tactical Data Link Network Planning 
  • Tactical Data Link Network Design 
  • Tactical Data Link Network Management 
  • OPTASK Link 
  • Frequency Management 
  • Multi-Link Network Planning and Management 
  • Joint Range Extension Gateway 
  • MBDL, ATDL–1, and PADIL 
  • TADIL–C operated in NATO UHF (225–400 MHZ) band 
  • 5514 Slow Semi–Automatic Link Link 14 
  • Maritime TDL Broadcast 1st 
  • D/M/S/E–Series Ship–Ship & Ship–Shore (only few applications) 
  • SHOC Early Warning System 
  • Link 4 –TDL for the Control of Military aircraft Broadcast 
  • Link 6 – (NADGE Link) SAM Automatic Data Link 
  • Link 7 –TDL for ATC 
  • Link 10 – Maritime Tactical Data Exchange 
  • Link 11 – Maritime Tactical Data Exchange 
  • Link 11B – Tactical Data Exchange 
  • Link 14 – Maritime TDL 
  • Link 16 – ECM Resistant Tactical Data Exchange 
  • Link 22 MIL-STD-6020, DoD Interoperability Standard: Data Forwarding between TDLs Slow Speed Warning Link from evaluation centres to SHAPE 
  • Operational Multi-TDL Network Planning 
  • Tactical Data Link Simulation and Modeling 
  • Threat Simulation 
  • DoDAF OV-1, OV-2, OV-3, OV-4, OV-5 
  • Tactical Data Link Cyber Security 
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