Cyber Threat Simulation

Cyber Threat Simulation Training covers principles of cyber threats, advanced cyber warfare and threat simulation principles.

Cyber Threat Simulation Training is splitted into multiple parts consisting of basic cyber security, advanced cyber security, principles of cyber threat and hands-on threat simulation exercises.

Cyber Threat Simulation will train you and your team in the tactical, operational, and strategic level cyber threat modeling and simulation skills. Learn how your security team, threat hunting, incident response more efficient, accurate and effective.

Course designed for:
  • Cyber Threat Analysts
  • Digital Forensic Analysts
  • Incident Response Team Members
  • Threat Hunters
  • Federal Agents
  • Law Enforcement Officials
  • Military Officials

Learn about: 
  • Basic cyber threat principles
  • Principles on threat environment
  • Principles of cyber simulation and modeling
  • Cyber threat simulation principles
  • Web application cyber threat fundamentals
  • Network and application reconnaissance
  • Data exfiltration & privilege escalation
  • Exploit application misconfigurations and more
  • Firewall and Threat Prevention at work
  • Tools to model and simulate cyber threat
  • Tools to monitor attack traffic 

Course Modules: 
  • Cyberwarfare and Cyberterrorism
  • Overview of Global Cyber Threats
  • Principles of Cyber Threat Simulation
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Simulating Cyber Threats
  • Incident Detection and Response Threat Simulation 

TONEX Cyber Threat Workshop:
  • Threat Actions and Capabilities
  • Analyzing Threats 

Learn More:

Cyber Threat Simulation Training and Courses


  1. Very informative blog. Cyber Simulation exposes both known and unknown vulnerabilities by putting enterprise defenses under the same duress as in the real and evolving threat landscape.


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