TTNT Training Program

Tactical Targeting Network Technology Training, TTNT Training Program
Tactical Targeting Network Technology Training is a 2-day training course covering TTNT principles, waveform, architectural building blocks and building blocks, security and operation.

Learn about:
  • Principles behind TTNT 
  • Concepts behind TTNT’s IP-based waveform 
  • Principles behind adhoc mesh network to the tactical edge 
  • Operation of secure voice, video and data across a dynamic battlespace 
  • TTNT radio terminals 
  • TTNT use cases for dynamic battlespace and networking 
  • Time Sensitive Target Networking Technology (TSTNT) requirements 
  • Transformation (TD-L) Capability Document (CDD) 
  • TTNT wave form and the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) terminal 
  • Joint Airborne Network-Tactical Edge (JAN-TE) capabilities 
  • Statistical Priority-Based. Multiple Access (SPMA) 
  • Ad-hoc Dynamic IP Networking 
  • IP routing and switching technologies applied to TTNT 
  • TTNT security principles 

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