Communications Intelligence Analysis, SIGINT Training

SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) is intelligence based on electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets.

These targets include everything from communications systems to radars and weapons systems.

SIGINT provides a leading role for the U.S. military into foreign adversaries’ capabilities, actions and intentions.

Three Parts of SIGINT
SIGINT is divided into three sub-disciplines:
  1. Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
  2. Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)
  3. Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence (FISINT)

Want to know more?

Tonex offers Communications Intelligence Analysis Training,

a customized bootcamp type course covering all aspects of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) including (COMINT), (ELINT), (FISINT), collection, analysis, and mitigation.

Tonex also offers a dozen additional courses in Link 16 Training, including:
  • Advanced Link 16 Training
  • Link 16 Training for Managers
  • Tactical Data Link Training Crash Course
  • Link 16 and MIDS Training Bootcamp
  • Visible Message Format (VMF) Training Bootcamp
