Model Based Requirements Engineering (MBRE) Training, The Fundamentals and Principals of MBRE Technique

Model Based Requirements Engineering (MBRE) Training, The Fundamentals and Principals of MBRE Technique
Model Based Requirements Engineering (MBRE) Training, The Fundamentals and Principals of MBRE Technique

Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a method that uses visual models to describe the elements and architecture of the system and the relationships between these elements. This is the opposite of the old method of using the document stack.

In complex system development, specifying system requirements (SysReqs) is a vital activity. SysReq and the emerging architecture are constructed by gradually transitioning from the problem domain and operational stakeholder needs to the conceptual solution domain. They later formed the basis for detailed functional requirements, Concept formation, technology selection, function to form distribution and asset utilization. Few stakeholders Demand (SHR) can be easily converted to SysReq. Therefore, system engineers must initiate, analyze and develop SysReq, Because these will fundamentally affect the performance, robustness, durability and attractiveness of the system.

For system engineers (SE) using the MBRE method, a considerable challenge is that stakeholders are generally reluctant to use drawings instead of standard text files.

In addition, it is necessary to map the visual model to the text specification and cover the problem domain and the conceptual solution domain in a single model.

Requirements placed in context are called "use cases". It is placed based on the stakeholder or system hierarchy level. Then, each use case must be evaluated and verified through a series of programs and verification based on official mathematics and logic to provide the accuracy necessary for safety-critical systems and mission-critical systems.

Model Based Requirements Engineering training provided by Tonex.

Tonex introduces you to model-based requirements engineering and management by providing various perspectives that form the basis and principles of this technology. These points of view consider each requirement one by one from the perspective of definition, and then assign meaning to each requirement by placing each requirement in the appropriate "context".

Training Feature:

Model-based requirements engineering training is a combination of interactive lectures and practical exercises. The hands-on training part of the course includes laboratories, individual/group activities and hands-on seminars. Participants are encouraged to introduce their own sample projects from the organization to work, or they can use real case studies provided by Tonex instructors for practice.

Training value-added:
  • Enhanced systems engineering by the use of MBSE
  • How to accomplish more effective communication, improved understanding, and how to reduce complication by modeling
  • How to present the advantages of MBSE and their relevant significance to stakeholders within the business
  • How to apply MBSE into a business
  • Greater self-assurance for you, your teams, your business and your clients

Learn About:
  • The need for requirements
  • Requirements engineering and requirements management
  • Requirements modeling
  • Context-based modeling
  • Modeling requirements in UML
  • Requirement model traceability
  • Non-functional software requirements
  • How to arrange and manage requirements, including traceability and automation
  • Briefly on requirements in SysML
  • Briefly on formal methods
  • The need for an efficient technique to requirements modeling
  • The main visions that build a model-based method, including the meta-model and what contains each view
  • How to model individual requirements and use cases
  • A framework for requirements modeling

  • System engineers
  • Requirements engineers
  • System managers
  • Software engineers and managers
  • Quality personnel

Training objectives:
  • Use an activity diagram to model system behavior
  • Use a state diagram to model system behavior
  • Use a sequence diagram to model system behavior
  • Use a requirements diagram to model requirements
  • Use a use case diagram to model requirements
  • Use block diagrams to model structure
  • Assign behavior to framework in a model
  • Identify parametric and restraints and describe their application
  • Determine and explain the use of SysML™ diagrams
  • Apply MBSE methods to specify and design systems
  • Transition an organization to MBSE
  • Make a decision as to which level of rigour and relevant techniques is suitable for them
  • Explain the concept of MBSE, and how it compares to traditional systems engineering
  • Discuss the advantages of MBSE
  • Understand how SysML supports MBSE
  • Offer various ways their organization can apply a systems modeling tool to construct systems models
  • Understand and describe the principles and concepts of requirements engineering and management
  • Apply a systematic method to modeling requirements in a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) environment
  • Apply MBSE in their industry
  • Apply a formal approach to create a system model in a modeling tool

Course Outline:
  • Overview
  • System and Context Boundaries
  • Eliciting Requirements
  • Documenting Requirements
  • Model-Based Requirements Documentation
  • Modeling with SysML
  • Requirements Validation and Negotiation
  • Requirements Management
  • Hands-On Activities
  • Tonex Hands-On Workshop Sample

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