MIL-1760 Training, General Overview of MIL-STD-1760 and its Specifications and Applications

MIL-1760 Training

MIL-1760 Training, General Overview of MIL-STD-1760 and its Specifications and Applications

MIL-STD 1760 gives an overall electrical and digital interface among weapons and aircraft.

The standard MIL-STD-1760 connector is utilized to communicate direction data to the weapon.

MIL-STD-1760 mission stores incorporate, yet are not restricted to, the GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), the AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), and the CBU-103, CBU-104 and CBU-105 Wind Corrected Munitions Dispensers (WCMDs).

This standard characterizes the connector, signal set definitions, geographies, sorts of interfaces, signal way prerequisites, and force alongside exceptional necessities for MIL-STD-1553 transport interfaces.

This incorporates an order set with itemized message designs, alongside a characterized convention for mass information move. In 2008, the SAE AS-1A2 undertaking bunch delivered AS5653, the High Speed Network for MIL-STD-1760, otherwise known as High-Speed 1760.

The standard likewise characterizes a gigabit-speed correspondence alternative for MIL-STD-1760. AS5653 indicates an organization dependent on Fiber Channel, working at 1.0625 Gb/s over a couple of 75 ohm coaxial links.

The decision of 75 ohm coaxial link depended on ecological roughness (comparative with fiber optics) and the accessibility of positions for persuade link embeds in the MIL-STD-1760 connector.

By reception and far and wide utilization of MIL-STD-1760, new store types were added to airplane utilizing divergent, exclusive interfaces. This significantly convoluted the aircraft hardware used to control and screen the store while it was connected to the aircraft: the stores the board system, or SMS.

Several main categories of MIL-STD-1760 signals, for example, the MIL-STD-704 power connections that give the store admittance to 28 VDC, 3-phase wye 400 Hz, 115/200 VAC and 270 VDC aircraft power. Regularly, just one of the last two supplies are directed, in any case, on the off chance that both are made accessible, at that point they are never made dynamic all the while.

MIL-STD-1760 interface gives power through the essential interface, where it is steered to the store alongside the entirety of the other signal types. The standard likewise takes into consideration a discretionary helper power interface for stores with all the more requesting power prerequisites.

Tonex offers MIL-1760 training

The training course covers specialized parts of the electrical interface between a military aircraft and its weapon stores.

This course has been created to give an overall outline of MIL-STD-1760 and its particulars and applications.

Why choose Tonex?

Tonex has been providing cutting-edge technology and advanced business training courses for nearly 30 years.

Tonex's world-class lecturers are experts in their fields, and they bring real-world experience into the classroom.

The course includes a description of the MIL-STD-1760 signal, including:
  • Power Connections of MIL-STD-704
  • Data Communications Interface of MIL-STD-1553
  • High and Low Bandwidth Analog Signals
  • Discrete Signals
  • Fiber Optics

Course Objectives:

MIL-STD-1760 characterizes the electrical qualities of the signal at the interface, just as the connector and pin tasks of the entirety of the signal utilized in the interface Upon fruition of this course, the participants are have the option to:
  • Tell what is MIL-STD-1760
  • Appreciate MIL-STD-1760 characteristics
  • Explain MIL-STD-1760 architecture
  • Give details requirements, design and, testing aspects of MIL-STD-1760

Course Outline:
  • Introduction to MIL-STD-1760
  • Aircraft/store Configurations
  • Aircraft Requirements
  • Mission store Requirements
  • Carriage store Requirements
  • Umbilical cable requirements
  • Power Interface Interrupts
  • MIL-STD-1760 MIL-STD-1760 Systems Engineering: Requirements, Design, Implementation and Testing
  • MIL-STD-1760 Requirements

Additionally, Tonex offers another 45 courses in Aerospace & Defense Engineering, including: 

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MIL-1760 Training
