Computer Network Architecture Training

Computer network architecture training helps you learn principles of computer networking, internet architecture, internet protocols, wireless networks and next generation networking.

# Learn About:

The basics of Ethernet and LAN, different Ethernet speeds, spanning tree algorithm, virtual LAN (VLAN), virtual private networks (VPN) and commonly used Wi-Fi which prepares you for technical details of network architecture.
The IPv4 and IPv6, the difference between them, importance of mobile IP, headers and subnets for IPv4 and IPv6.

The OSI reference model including its seven layers which is the most important topic in network architecture. Furthermore, the main layers of OSI reference model will be described in detail. For example, network layer routing, application layers, transport layer, network layer, and data link layers are covered in this training.

# Who Can Benefit from Computer Network Architecture Training

If you are an IT professional who specializes in network security, you will benefit the presentations, examples, case studies, discussions, and individual activities upon the completion of the computer network architecture training and will prepare yourself for your career.

#Training Objectives

Upon completion of the computer network architecture training course, the attendees are able to:

  • Understand the basic ideas and philosophy behind the network architecture 
  • Get a clear idea of important protocols in TCP/IP networks 
  • Understand the architecture for mobility, multicast and routing 
  • Explain the virtual private networks, resource allocation and congestion control in network architecture 
  • Identify and analyze strengths and weaknesses of various network layers 
  • Identify alternative solutions in network architecture 
  • Manage small networks including different architectures 
  • Conduct the performance measurements and traffic analysis of internet architecture 

#Training Outline

The computer network architecture training course consists of the following lessons, which can be revised and tailored to the client’s need:

Introduction to Computer Networks

  • Internet, HTTP, DNS, P2P 
  • Socket, Ports 
  • Congestion Control, Flow Control, TCP 
  • Routing, Basic Graphs, IP 
  • DSL Versus Cable, Aloha, CSMA, TDMA, Token, 802.11 
  • Security RSA 
  • Cellular Networks, Mobile Networks, Satellite Networks 
  • Wireless Multi-hop Networks 
  • Internetwork 
  • Layers 
  • Data Rate, Throughput and Bandwidth 
  • Packets 
  • Datagram Forwarding 
  • Topology 
  • Routing Loops 
  • LAN and Ethernet 
  • DNS 
  • IP 
  • Firewall 
  • IETF and OSI 
  • Epilog 
Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. Learn more about this course audience, objectives, outlines, seminars, pricing , any other information.
