SysML Training - Systems Modeling Language Training

SysML Training, SysML Course Description - SysML Training, SysML Course by TONEX. Systems Modeling Language Training Course, is an expansion to Systems Engineering Training giving a thorough and functional asset for displaying frameworks with SysML. The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a visual displaying dialect valuable for Systems Engineering applications supporting the determination, examination, plan, check and approval of an expansive scope of frameworks and frameworks of-frameworks (SoS).

These frameworks may incorporate equipment, programming, data, procedures, work force, and offices. SysML is a lingo of UML 2, and is characterized as an UML 2 Profile (Profile = UML customization that utilizations Stereotypes, Tagged Values, and Constraints.) SysML is an empowering innovation for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).

Learn about:

  • UML and SysML 
  • Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach 
  • SysML diagrams and language 
  • Look at SysML from the systems engineering process viewpoint 
  • Develop a system conceptual model and architecture using SysML. 
  • System architecture, modeling and design with SysML 

The SysML training course covers the following:

Provides a comprehensive overview of the SysML concepts, terminology and modeling notation . Shows attendees how to create analysis and design models with SysML
Covers the complete system-modeling lifecycle from requirements to Validation of the system .Presents many practical case studies 50% lectures and 50 % practical (hands on exercises).

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the attendees will be able to:
  • Describe UML 
  • Describe SysML 
  • Describe model-based systems engineering approach 
  • List SysML diagrams and language concepts 
  • Apply SysML as part of a model based SE process 
  • Explore transitioning to SysML 
  • Synthesize and analyze existing architecting approaches to enhancing creativity while reducing ambiguity and complexity. 
  • Utilize out-of-the-box holistic system thinking 
  • Develop a system conceptual model and architecture using SysML. 
  • Define system architecture, modeling, form, function, structure and behavior with SysML 
  • Describe how a system’s function emerges from its form and behavior 
  • Describe the notions of system, product, service, and project with SysML 
  • Model a combined Project-Product Lifecycle Management system and study the benefits of the project-product synergies with SysML 
  • Work with real life projects using SysML 

Course Agenda
  • Overview of Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Systems Engineering Overview
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering
  • SysML Language Overview
  • SE Practices for Describing Systems
  • Specifications
  • Interface requirements
  • System design
  • Analysis & Trade-off
  • Test plans
  • Stakeholders Involved in System Acquisition

What is Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) ?
  • What is a model?
  • principles behind MBSE
  • Formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities
  • SE Artifacts and transitions to MBSE
  • MBSE Across the
  • System Life Cycle Specifications
  • Interface requirements
  • System design
  • Analysis & Trade-off
  • Test plans
  • MBSE benefits
  • Modeling at multiple levels of the System
  • Operational model
  • System model
  • Component model
  • MBSE to support complex predictive and affects-based modeling
  • Relationship between SySML and MBE/MBSE

Overview of UML and SysML
  • Diagram Overview and Language Concepts
  • What is SysML?
  • UML for Systems Engineering R
  • SysML Diagram Taxonomy
  • A subset of UML with extensions
  • SysML as a UML Profile
  • Systems including hardware, software, data, personnel, procedures, and facilities
  • SysML in specification, analysis, design, verification, and validation of systems

Learn more about sysml training 
