Energy Storage Training shows you the fundamentals of energy storage, future capability of energy storage, and diverse utilizations of energy storage in current world.
It is estimated that energy storage frameworks showcase will reach to 16 Billion by 2020. With expanding number of sustainable power source establishments, electric vehicle market, and advances in energy storage advertise in various applications, legitimate training is expected to enhance your insight into energy storage and distinctive advances or applications identified with present day energy storage frameworks in this day and age.
Training Objectives:
Training Outline:
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It is estimated that energy storage frameworks showcase will reach to 16 Billion by 2020. With expanding number of sustainable power source establishments, electric vehicle market, and advances in energy storage advertise in various applications, legitimate training is expected to enhance your insight into energy storage and distinctive advances or applications identified with present day energy storage frameworks in this day and age.
- All professionals in the area of energy storage systems
- Non-engineers looking to understand new approaches of storing energy
- Individuals who are looking for technical training of energy storage systems
- Project managers, quality managers, business managers and directors looking for a comprehensive training in energy storage application and operation
- Energy storage producers who look for alternatives to improve their energy storage design and efficiency
- Executives and managers who are looking to invest in energy storage area
- Investors and contractors who plan to make investments in energy storage industry.
- Technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel who are or will be working on energy storage projects
Training Objectives:
- Understand Fundamentals of batteries and concept of storing energy
- Understand the materials used in different types of energy storage and to recognize the operation
- Recognize the parameters that control energy storage performance
- Describe different application of energy storage in electrical engineering
- Explain different application of energy storage in ground, air, or marine transportation systems
- Understand the application of energy storage in photovoltaic
- Troubleshoot challenges related to energy storage systems
- Describe super capacitors, and their applications in the system
- Differentiate thermal and hydrogen storage
- Understand the fuel cells and different applications and types of fuel cells in the system
Training Outline:
- Introduction to Energy Storage Systems
- Energy Storage in Electrical Engineering
- Energy Storage in Transportation
- Energy Storage in Photovoltaic Systems
- Energy Storage in Mobile Applications and Micro-Power Sources
- Hydrogen and Thermal Storage
- Lead Acid Batteries
- Fuel Cells Principles
- Electrochemical Storage
- Super Capacitors
- Hands On, Workshops and Group Activities
- Sample Workshops and Labs for Energy Storage Training
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