Microgrid Training Crash Course

The Microgrid training crash course is a three-day intensive crash course for individuals who need to catch up on in the Microgrid area, Microgrid control, and energy management techniques in Microgrids.

This crash course won't just teach you the basics of Microgrid operation, yet additionally the main parts of a Microgrid, control of power electronic gadgets in each renewable energy source in Microgrid, diverse control algorithms accommodated Microgrids and Energy Management System (EMS) in Microgrids.

  • Test engineers & Power traders 
  • Independent system operator personnel. 
  • Investors and contractors 
  • Professionals in other energy industries. 
  • Electric utility personnel 
  • Technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel 
  • Managers, accountants, and executives of Microgrid industry. 

Training Objectives:
  • Understand the concept Microgrids and main components used in Microgrids 
  • Explain the operating principle of wind farms and different types of wind generation units 
  • Describe the operation of PV system with different control algorithms implemented 
  • Understand the battery energy storage system and its control methodology 
  • Recognize the power electronic devices in Microgrids and describe their operation 
  • Explain the coordinated control of Microgrid components 
  • Understand the concept of peak shaving, load shedding, energy shifting and PV smoothing in Microgrids 
  • Understand the energy management system in Microgrid and its application in different scales 
  • Tackle the problems related to Microgrid applications 
  • Understand the different operating modes of a Microgrid and be able to run the projects from the scratch up. 

Training Outline:
  • Microgrid Technology 
  • Photovoltaic (PV) in Microgrids 
  • Wind Farms In Microgrids 
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems In Microgrids 
  • Coordinated Control of Renewable Energy Sources in Microgrids 
  • Power Electronic Devices in Microgrids 
  • Energy management in Micro grids 
  • Energy Management Architecture And Control In Microgrids 

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Microgrid Training Crash Course
