Threat Simulation & Modeling Training

Threat simulation and modeling training shows you the different sorts of threat modeling procedures and causes you to apply threat modeling as a propelled preventive type of security.

By taking the threat simulation and modeling training by TONEX, you will learn about the main concepts in threat modeling, application threats, software development life cycle (SDLC), and common types of threats. Threat Simulation and Modeling Training course covers a variety of topics in cybersecurity area such as: process for attack simulation and threat analysis (PASTA), PASTA steps, common attack patter enumeration and classification (CAPEC), threat modeling with SDLC, and existing threat modeling approaches.

Who Can Benefit from Threat Simulation and Modeling Training:

If you are an IT professional who specialize in computer security, you will benefit the presentations, examples, case studies, discussions, and individual activities upon the completion of threat simulation and modeling training and will prepare yourself for your career.

Threat Simulation and Modeling Training Features:

Threat simulation and modeling training will introduce a set of labs, workshops and group activities of real world case studies in order to prepare you to tackle all the related computer threat challenges.

Training Objectives:

Identify the goals of threat modeling
Recognize the tools for threat modeling
Identifying the step by step procedure for threat modeling and simulation
Describe different types of threats in threat analysis techniques
Identify the existing threat modeling approaches and procedures
Understand common attack pattern enumeration and classification
Describe the process for attack simulation and threat analysis
Conduct threat modeling and simulation techniques for real world problems

Training Outline:

Threat Modeling Overview
Introduction to Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis (PASTA)
Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)
Threat Modeling within SDLC
Existing Threat Modeling Approaches
Threat Analysis
Weakness and Vulnerability Analysis
Attack Modeling and Simulation
Residual Risk Analysis and Management

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