UAF (Unified Architecture Framework) Seminar From Tonex

Unified Architecture Framework has become a very popular upgrade with both the Department of Defense (DoD) as well as commercial organizations. That’s because UAF has standardized a set of Human Views (called Personnel Views in UAF) into its system of systems framework, allowing the human aspects to be considered in conjunctions with the rest of the architecture.

Some important facts of UAF :
  • UAF is the next step in standardized architectures. 
  • Use of UAF vs DoDAF nomenclature does not appear to be resolved. 
  • UAF views are better organized than DoDAF views. 
  • UAF views are NOT much different from DoDAF views. 
  • UAF has a long and shallow learning curve – expect slow adoption 

Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) Seminar: 

Tonex offers Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) Fundamentals, a 2-day course that covers a wide array of topics from an overview of architecture frameworks to developing models with UAF and UAFP.

Who Should Attend: 

Enterprise architects, software engineers, project managers, program managers and data and information modelers will especially benefit from this class.

Related Courses: 
A 2-day hands-on training course covering migration aspects of UAF, DoDAF 2.02, NAF 3.0 and UPDM 2.0.

A3-day that features practical hands-on learning experiences as well as fundamentals.
OMG Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) Training Course.

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. 

Learn More;

UAF Seminars
