NFC (Near Field Communication ) Training

NFC Stands for Near Field Communication . NFC is very important and latest technology in sales and marketing. NFC can ease you from cash payment hazards. 

NFC training, Near field communication (NFC) is based on existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards including ISO/IEC 14443. 

NFC Training cover communications protocols and data exchange formats. Learn similarities between NFC, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE).

  • Describe what NFC is 
  • Describe the use of NFC 
  • List the requirements and capabilities of NFC 
  • Describe the key concepts in NFC 
  • Explain NFC interworking with RFID, Bluetooth and Zigbee 
  • Explain the architecture of NFC 
  • List steps for NFC connection setup 
  • List NFC operational procedures 
  • Describe various ways to support NFC in mobile apps and mobile devices 
  • Identify the planning aspects of deploying NFC in your application and device 

  • What is NFC? 
  • Example of NFC Applications 
  • NFC Technical Specifications and Protocols 
  • Mobile Payments Use Cases 

NFC technology uses a short-range, low power wireless link evolved from radio-frequency identification (RFID) tech that usually transfer little amounts of data between two devices held a few centimeters from each other.

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. 

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