Proposal Engineering Workshop - Hands on

Proposal Engineering Workshop-Hands-On will give you a review of the proposal procedure. 

In the event that you are a senior supervisor or an individual from the money related section of a designer firm who isn't acquainted with engineering concepts yet engaged with composing the proposals, this instructional class is ideal for you.


Proposal Engineering Workshop- Hands-on is a 3-day course suitable for all individuals in the engineering fields who seek funding sources. It is particularly ideal for:
  • Consulting engineers who write proposals to clients 
  • Academic engineers looking for funding for their research 
  • Young engineer entrepreneurs looking for capital to launch their projects 

Training Objectives
  • Attract the reader’s attention to read their proposal 
  • Prepare right material for the proposal 
  • Explain why a good CV can impact the proposal’s valuators 
  • Differentiate a good proposal from a bad one 
  • Beat the competition 
  • Handle a client who does not know exactly what they want 
  • Make the technical material easy to read by non-technical audience 
  • Choose what type of graphics should be included in the proposal 
  • Get a good feedback 
  • Overcome the weakness points in their proposals 
  • Read the RFP and ask right questions 
  • Identify and understand different types of proposals 
  • Follow the proposal writing process 
  • Understand how to use the client’s jargon 
  • Choose which materials should be included in the proposal and which not 
  • Follow up on the proposal 

Course Outline
  • Overview Of Engineering Proposal Writing 
  • Understanding The Proposal 
  • Internal vs. External Proposals 
  • How To Respond To An RFP 
  • Tailoring The Proposal Based On Your Audience 
  • Elements Of Proposal 
  • Proposal Contents 
  • Proposal Narrative 
  • Statement of Need 
  • Project Description 
  • Budgeting And Costs 
  • Organization Information 
  • Executive Summary 
  • Appendices And Supporting Materials 
  • Packaging The Proposal 
  • Writing Tips 
  • Readability Check 
  • General Hints 
  • Proofreading And Editing 
  • Post Proposal Writing 

Case Study:

The last day is dedicated to writing a real proposal in the class. The topic of the proposal can be chosen by the organization, if they have a particular subject in mind, or TONEX will provide the topic and all students will work on it at the same time.

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. 
