Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop

Advanced DO-178C is one of the popular course in aerospace and defense engineering technology. Advanced DO-178 training workshop plans to cover every one of the aspects of DO-178C rule, and also its beneficial gauges. 

You will be introduced to the theory, basis, and history behind DO-178C and will find out about the strategies and techniques required to create and execute it in your association.

Advanced DO-178C training workshop covers the fundamental thoughts behind DO-178B/C avionics certification. It additionally audits the differences between DO-178B and DO-178C.

Training Objectives:
  • See every one of the parts of DO-178C 
  • Articulate the differences of DO-178B and DO-178C 
  • Discuss the background and development way of DO-178C 
  • Comprehend the DO-178C software life cycle display 
  • Clarify the constituent processes of DO-178C 
  • Discuss the typical entanglements and issues associated with DO-178C 
  • Apply the expected strategies to create and actualize DO-178C 
  • Utilize the accepted procedures appropriate for their association 
  • Conduct process arranging 
  • Expand condition considerations 
  • Discuss the prerequisites and architecture 
  • Play out the software verification process 
  • Decide considerations (memory utilization, Worst Case Execution Time, language semantics, etc.) 
  • Comprehend and execute the DO-178C enhancements 
  • Apply instrument qualification 

Course Outline:
  • Overview of DO-178C 
  • Overview of Aviation Systems 
  • Overview of DO-178C Software 
  • DO-178C Certification Concerns 
  • DO-178C Software Lifecycle Process 
  • DO-178C Data Lifecycle 
  • Additional Deliberations 
  • DO-178C Software Levels 
  • Software Planning Process
  • Verification Process Development 
  • Configuration Management Process (CMP) 
  • DO-178C Supplements Standards 
  • DO-330 Software Tool Qualification Considerations 
  • DO-331 Model-Based Development & Verification Supplement 
  • DO-332 Object-Oriented Technology (OOT) 
  • DO-333 Formal Methods Supplement 

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. 
