Cyber Security Certificate Part 1 Vulnerabilities and Risk Management

Cyber security certificate-part 1, vulnerabilities and risk management by TONEX is designed for the IT professionals to accomplish changes to the recent advancement toward cyber security, vulnerable cyber-attacks, user interface problems related to the system privacy, and malware secured networks.

The cyber security certificate part 1 introduces you to the latest internet security threats and vulnerabilities and different methods of risk management.

  • Executives working in security area 
  • IT professionals 
  • Network engineers, security analysts, policy analysts 
  • Security operation personnel and network administrators 
  • System integrators and security consultants 
  • Cyber security professionals and computer engineers 
  • Security traders 
  • Technicians, operators and maintenance personnel in cyber security area 

Training Objectives:
  • Understand the foundation and history behind the cyber security 
  • Explain different types of threats and attacks in cyber world 
  • Understand how to recognize the threats and classify different methods of defense 
  • Process the risk management techniques in networks 
  • Identify different types of spywares, malwares or malicious codes in cyber security 
  • Understand the policies and regulations of cyber security networks 
  • Manage the detection and protection solution depends on the type of attack 
  • Identify the attackers and understand the method of hacking in different cyber secured networks 
  • Define types of incidents in cyber security 
  • Access additional external resources to supplement knowledge of cyber security 
  • Understand the foundation and history behind the computer security 
  • Explain different types malwares and consequences of malwares to the computer security 
  • Understand the different classification of malwares in network security 
  • Recognize the different types of Trojans and Worms as the most common types of malwares 
  • Describe the exploits and their different types and consequences 
  • Explain the malware detection algorithms and approaches and more 

Whether you are an executive, IT professional, or IT system administrator, this certificate will help you to identify any type of threats in cyber world, assess the vulnerabilities and provide plans for managing the risks caused by these threats.

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. 

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