FMEA Training, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) training covers the subtleties on tending to unwavering quality amid the beginning periods of design and demonstrates the participants how this technique can enhance design choices and item quality amid task. 

We show another method for organizing FMEA dependent on both the products work structure relationship and the Voice of the Customer (VOC). 

Learn About:
  • Quality and Reliability 
  • FMEA process as it is applied to product, process, or system/software 
  • Value of FMEA in product and process development 
  • Quality, Reliability and Failure Prevention 
  • FMEA is a Tool, FMEA when it is applied to interaction of subsystems and parts or System Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (SFMEA) 
  • FMEA applied to a product or Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) 
  • FMEA applied to a or Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) 
  • Potential modes of failure and their relationship to product design 
  • Discover and analyze failure modes 
  • FMEA methods, types, roles, responsibilities, modeling, documentation, implementation. 
  • FMEA role in quality and productivity improvement 
  • DFMEA and PFMEA 
  • DFMEA in the design process from the high level and preliminary design 
  • System, Product and Process problems before they occur 
  • Corrective actions to decrease risk of failure 
  • The reasons FMEA’s fail 

Course Content:
  • Introduction to FMEA 
  • Steps in the FMEA Process ƒ 
  • Inside FMEA Matrix 
  • FMEA Applied 
  • FMEA Case Studies and Workshops 

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. 

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