Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Training

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Training course causes you understand an assortment of subjects in disaster recovery and business continuity, for example, prologue to disaster recovery, idea of disasters, prologue to business continuity, disaster recovery preparing plans, hazard the executives strategies, office assurance amid disaster recovery period, information/framework recovery, episode reaction and open administration impact in disaster recovery plan.

By taking the TONEX disaster recovery and business continuity training, you will understand the primary idea of disaster phrasings, nature of disasters, grouping of disasters, normal and artificial disasters, and overseeing disasters.

Training Objectives :
  • Actualize a business continuity the executives plan for a framework 
  • Play out the business affect investigation 
  • Understand the main idea of disaster recovery and distinguish the diverse kinds of disasters 
  • Understand the dangers and vulnerabilities in data security organize 
  • Perceive the essential information and have the capacity to safeguard the information 
  • Understand the idea of hazard, displaying procedures and examination approaches 
  • Arrange and reaction to an episode in PC organize 
  • Portray a framework recovery and reinforcement plan for data security framework 
  • Play out the information recovery gets ready for lost information after a disasters 
  • Safeguard the principle offices of a digital world against disasters 
  • Lead hazard the executives strategies to a digital security framework 

Training Outline:
  • Introduction to Disaster Recovery 
  • Introduction to Disasters 
  • Business Continuity Introduction 
  • Disaster Recovery Planning Process 
  • Business Continuity Management 
  • Risk Management in Disaster Recovery Plan 
  • Incident Response 
  • Testing, and Improving Business Continuity Provisions 
  • Facility Protection in Disaster Recovery Plan 
  • Data Recovery 
  • System Recovery and Backup 
  • Incident Response 

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. Learn more about this course audience, objectives, outlines, seminars, pricing , any other information. Visit our website link below.

Disaster recovery and business continuity training
