Software Reliability Engineering Training

Software Reliability Engineering Training by TONEX

Software Reliability Engineering Training teaches you how to design and develop reliable software, reliability verification and testing of the software systems.
Software Reliability Engineering Training course intend providing attendees with critical knowledge and skills applied to software reliability and software reliability engineering on real world projects.
Software Reliability Engineering Training is a 3 day course based on proactive principles and methods to predict software reliability before the coding is started.

Who Should Attend:
  • Systems engineers
  • Software managers
  • Reliability engineers
  • Testing engineers
  • Engineering managers
  • Lead software architect
  • Software quality assurance engineers

By attending Software Reliability Training at TONEX, You Will Learn:
  • About principles of software development
  • Application of reliability and reliability engineering in software
  • About software reliability standards and tools
  • How to establish reliable software systems objectives
  • How to develop software reliability operational profiles
  • How to prepare and execute reliability test cases
  • Apply Dependability, survivability, fault tolerance and resilience of software systems
  • Establish software metrics and measurements, estimation, prediction of quality and reliability
  • Use open source software reliability engineering
  • Relate to Web 2.0 reliability, availability and security issues
  • Use supporting software reliability tools and automation
  • Effect of virtualization on software reliability
  • Reliability, availability and safety of software systems
  • Use Validation and Verification techniques and tools applied to software reliability
  • Investigate Faults, errors, failures, defects, and bugs

Learning Objectives:
  • Develop realistic software reliability requirements for your software, products and/or systems
  • Perform software failure mode and reliability analyses
  • Make recommendations to implement cost-optimized software reliability strategies
  • Collect and analyze your software test data
  • Determine the “best” software reliability model and framework
  • Collect and analyze your software test, verification, validation and field data
  • valuate your software for vulnerability to cyber security attacks and critical failures
  • Make recommendations for improved software reliability, safety and protection
  • Lean about SFMEA, failure modes and root causes

Course Topics:

Introduction to Software Reliability Engineering
  • Software Failure Analysis
  • Software Reliability and System Reliability
  • Techniques for Prediction Analysis

Software Reliability Measurement and Analysis
  • Measurement-Based Analysis of Software Reliability
  • Defect Classification
  • Reliability Trend Analysis
  • Field Data Analysis

Software Reliability Program Management
  • Reliability Data Collection & Analysis
  • Reliability Modeling & Prediction Management
  • Parts Control Programs

Software Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (SFMEA)
  • Software Failure Mode Analysis
  • Degree of Variability
  • Software Life Cycle Trend

Call us today at +1-972-665-9786. Learn more about this course audience, objectives, outlines, seminars, pricing , any other information. Visit our website link below.

Software Reliability Engineering Training
