Software Considerations in Certification of Airborne Systems and Equipment, Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop

Software Considerations in Certification of Airborne Systems and Equipment, Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop

DO-178 title: "Software considerations in certification of airborne systems and equipment".

This document is a document of all commercial software-based aerospace systems approved by certification bodies such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Transport Canada.

DO-178C is the current universal standard following its predecessor DO-178B. DO-178C inherits the core documents, principles and processes of DO-178B, while adding support for advanced modeling, object-oriented programming and formal methods, and focuses on the two-way traceability from model to executable code.

DO-178C added supplements:
  • DO-330: Software Tool qualification
  • DO-331: Model-based Design & Verification
  • DO-332: Object Oriented Technology
  • DO-333: Formal method

DO-178C divides security into five levels:
  • Level A: Catastrophic
  • Level B: Hazardous
  • Level C: Major
  • Level D: Minor
  • Level E: No Safety Effect

Tonex Provides Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop

Training covers all the functions of the DO-178C rule and its supplementary documents, including DO-330, DO-331, DO-332 and DO-333. You will understand the theory, logic and evolution path of DO-178C, and will learn the tools and techniques required to implement this certification in your organization.

The advanced DO-178C training workshop by Tonex is mainly dedicated to practical activities, including laboratories, group activities and hands-on seminars. Although this course agenda is designed to be comprehensive and cover all required materials, Tonex can still adjust it flexibly according to the needs of your organization.

DO-178C and its predecessor DO-178B both focus on the following:
  • Identifying system and hardware interfaces.
  • Define the critical level of the software.
  • Define software life cycle processes
  • Define the necessary documents for each level of the software.
  • Focus on the goals, the applicability of the software level and the necessary outputs to ensure quality expectations

  • Software engineers
  • Project managers
  • Systems engineers
  • Software quality engineers
  • Test engineers
  • Quality and process assurance personnel

Training Objectives:
  • Understand all the parts of DO-178C
  • Eloquent the differences of DO-178B and DO-178C
  • Converse the background and evolution path of DO-178C
  • Understand the DO-178C software life cycle model
  • Clarify the constituent processes of DO-178C
  • Usual pitfalls and problems associated with DO-178C
  • Necessary methods to expand and apply DO-178C
  • Use the best practices suitable for their organization
  • Conduct process planning
  • Elaborate environment considerations
  • Discuss the requirements and architecture
  • Perform the software verification process
  • Determine considerations (memory usage, Worst Case Execution Time, language semantics, etc.)
  • Understand and implement the DO-178C supplements
  • Apply tool qualification

Course Content:
  • Software Architecture and Design with DO-178C
  • Overview of DO-178C
  • Overview of Aviation Systems
  • DO-178C Certification Concerns
  • DO-178C Software Lifecycle Process
  • DO-178C Data Lifecycle
  • Additional Deliberations
  • DO-178C Software Levels
  • Software Planning Process
  • Verification Process Development
  • Configuration Management Process (CMP)
  • DO-178C Supplements Standards
  • DO-330 Software Tool Qualification Considerations
  • DO-331 Model-Based Development & Verification Supplement
  • DO-332 Object-Oriented Technology (OOT)
  • DO-333 Formal Methods Supplement

For More Information:

Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop
